This is the style I buy all the time. I have many I have worked and many to work. I was so excited to start this project. You know, the whole John Denver song and the beautiful photo. I also live on a mountain in NE Georgia.
The canvas is great, no issues. However, I wish I could say the same about the drills. These are the worst drills I have worked with, ever. First off, the static was a nightmare. But I worked through that and was able to get the project kitted up.
But these many of these are stuck together in clumps and I mean stuck like Chuck! There are so many that have little nubbies on the sides that they will not fit squarely on the canvas. Trying to pop these apart has got my cat and my dashchund chasing the drills that shoot off the tray and onto the floor, the chair, my husband.
It seems someone has skimped on using the good quality drills DAC is known for and these are certainly not them. I'm worried to open another kit for fear I will find the same thing. This is the first drill issue I have ever had and paying $74.99 + shipping does not make me happy when I can pay $9.99 on "that other site" and get free shipping for this type of quality.