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Diamond Art Painting YouTubers


June 03, 2019

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1 minutes
Diamond Art Painting YouTubers

We all have one thing in common, the love for Diamond Art! And whether you’re new or an expert to the craft, we could all use a daily dose of inspiration.

It can be hard to find exactly what you’re looking for on Youtube but luckily, we have created a list of crafty channels you certainly need to have in your following list. Whether you’re looking for insight, tips and tricks, or advice, they’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at these Diamond Painting YouTubers you should follow..

Diamond Painting By Doni

    Doni Hogan is a mother and wife from Oregon, who launched her channel to be the one stop to answer all of your questions and concerns about diamond painting. This ultimately led her to launch her own custom drill pens because we all know the addiction is real! Ever wondered if you could work on your masterpiece while traveling? It’s possible! take a look at Doni’s “How To Diamond Painting While on The Road/Traveling” video.


    Danielle Jones is a self-employed scopist and wife, that has been into crafts and needlework for the past 30 years. Just starting diamond painting last June, it sparked her interest and the rest is history! Her channel with 13,000 subscribers and counting is filled with savvy ideas and tips while working on her own projects. Take a look at Danielle share with her followers her newest favorite diamond painting gadget.

    Crafting with Mrs. Crochet and Coffee

    Alishia Tepper is an Oilfield wife, mother and dog lover from North Dakota, who takes great pride in her channel that revolves around crafting, having good times and always giving her audience a good laugh! You can always count on her to host at least one live video on a weekly basis. If you are looking for that inspiration to work on a larger sized painting, check out Alishia’s beautiful and quick “Completion of Que Rico Siren”.

    Rachel Rae

    Rachel Rae is a teacher and dog-mom who lives in rural Ireland, who started Diamond Painting in Spring 2018. Amongst many in her community, she knew Diamond Painting was perfect for her as she found it to be relaxing, calming and therapeutic. This is the ultimate drive behind her channel as her goal is to teach and help others about the craft. Get in the zone and be a part of her “Late Night Thoughts WIP n Chat with Nightbringer from DAC”.

    Through their unique traits and authenticity, these channels continue to bring more insight and answers about the hobby we all love. Stay tuned for more amazing content to come!