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What Are Some Hobbies to Do at Home? Diamond Art and 4 Others


March 06, 2021

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2 minutes
Diamond painting

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, being “stuck” at home seemed pretty great to most people. After more than a year of working from home, binging on Netflix and having food delivered, though, the novelty has worn off. Life is gradually resuming some semblance of normalcy, but with the virus still present, a lot of folks are choosing to continue playing it safe and staying home as much as possible. If you fall into this category and are starting to feel like you are going more than a little bit stir crazy, there are, fortunately, plenty of ways to keep busy. So, what are some hobbies to do at home? Keep reading to find out! 

Diamond Art

Diamond painting is a great hobby to do at home for several reasons. First off, it’s easy. Even if you do not think of yourself as being particularly artistic or skilled at things, like drawing or painting, you can create stunning works of diamond art. There are kits to suit any interest and design aesthetic, too. Whether you’re looking for cutesy kits for diamond painting for kids or you’re looking for something more elegant to match your own style, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Diamond Painting for Kids Makes It So the Whole Family Can Partake in the Fun

Plus, diamond painting is relaxing. This is great if the stress of being at home and spending very little time with friends and loved ones is getting you down. Once you get into a groove, painting with diamonds allows you to clear your mind and unwind. 


Speaking of clearing your mind, meditation is another excellent hobby to try at home. It is a great way to mentally step away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life for a few moments, and it can improve your overall well-being. In addition to enhancing your emotional wellness, meditation can (with practice) provide numerous health benefits, too, including lowering blood pressure and improving sleep quality. 

If you would like to try meditation for yourself, you already have everything you need: You! You can do it anywhere you like, and there is no cost. While there are plenty of books you can buy, classes you can take and services you can subscribe to, you don’t need any of those things to learn how to meditate


preparing vegetarian dish

Source: Pinkyone/

Has the novelty of having food delivered from your favorite restaurants worn off? Or is your bank account (and body) suffering the side effects of ordering takeout for months on end? If so, learning to cook might be a great hobby. There is something incredibly satisfying about enjoying a meal you prepared from scratch. 

If you’re new to cooking, start with something simple. There are tons of recipes great for beginners and will help you learn basic kitchen skills. Once you’ve mastered the basics, feel free to move on to more challenging recipes. 

Fiber Art

Whether you choose to learn how to knit, cross-stitch or do any other type of fiber art, you’ll be joining an ever-growing group of people who love expressing themselves through yarn, thread and fabric. Fabric art has seen a huge resurgence in popularity in the last few years. Things like embroidery and sewing certainly are not just for old ladies anymore! More and more men are even becoming fiber artists. 


Woman Gardening


Whether your garden is indoors or out, gardening is a fun hobby to enjoy at home. And with spring just around the corner, now is a great time to get started. If you have the space to do so, planting a vegetable, herb or flower garden outside is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. For those who lack large yards, though, planting a container garden on your balcony or even having a window garden or some houseplants indoors is just as enjoyable. 

Tending to plants is relaxing, and there is something magical about watching something grow from seed to fruit, vegetable, flower or herb. And if you are growing something edible, nothing tastes better than food you grew yourself. 

Love Gardening? You’ll Love Our Landscape Diamond Paintings!

The Bottom Line

If you are trying to find some hobbies to do at home, diamond painting and the others listed above are just a few of the many, many options. When boredom starts creeping in, it’s all about finding something you enjoy doing to pass the time. Feel free to experiment with different hobbies to find ones you love.