Born in 1946, Russell Cobane spent his youth camping, fishing and painting landscapes. In his thirties, he was a prominent commercial illustrator with a Madison Avenue artist representative. Then, in the ‘8...
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Born in 1946, Russell Cobane spent his youth camping, fishing and painting landscapes. In his thirties, he was a prominent commercial illustrator with a Madison Avenue artist representative. Then, in the ‘80’s nature called to his soul and he began painting wildlife, winning the Peoples Choice Award at the Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation Show for five consecutive years.
Born in 1946, Russell Cobane spent his youth camping, fishing and painting landscapes. In his thirties, he was a prominent commercial illustrator with a Madison Avenue artist representative. Then, in the ‘80’s nature called to his soul and he began painting wildlife, winning the Peoples Choice Award at the Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation Show for five consecutive years.