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Set your phaser to stun and take command, fearless leader! Navigate the star-studded cosmos, exploring new worlds, new life, and new civilizations.™ & © 2024 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Mystery Kit #35 - (Horror)

Reach out from beyond the grave. There are no chains that can restrain your spirit.Release Date: February 8, 2023

Mystery Kit #15 - Fantasy (Variety)

Take your ever-ticking, golden core in hand and prepare for departure. You’ll need some pretty special lenses to find your way out of this pea-souper of a day.

Mystery Kit #36 - (Dark Fantasy)

Ride through the shimmering mists into the dark heart of the forest. Beneath a bright full moon, your vengeance truly shines.Release Date: April 26, 2023

Mystery Kit #3 - Dark Fantasy

Take comfort from your flying friends and carve out a home in their strands of shimmering silk. Tailor a life to suit your needs, mending that which isn’t working, with inspiration from your twin who holds the key.

Mystery Kit #28 - Landscape

What Englishman can resist having beautiful gardens? I'm the granddaughter of English descent, so it's only natural my love for the quaint colorful summer gardens in this painting.I can imagine myself placing flowers, benches, and accents of potted plants throughout little niches within the setting then sitting down for tea.

Mystery Kit #48 - Fantasy (Magic)

Stir the cauldron of imagination, concocting a potion of possibilities. Let the magic simmer 'til it gently spills over into reality.Release Date: December 20, 2023

Mystery Kit #44 - Fantasy (Ocean)

Summon up your courage and charge into the storm. Mighty forces are at play, and who knows who will win the day.Release Date: September 27, 2023

Mystery Kit #27 - Animals

Feel the energy of the silvery night pulsating deep in your bones. Cry out in unity and camaraderie. Release Date: November 16, 2022